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Apache Alumni Discussion Forum

50 years.............

Started by Zaricor Jackson Jr. Jun 13, 2012. 0 Replies

I spoke to Centennial and they posted a congratulations message on the leader-board outside,  recognizing us having been out of high school for 50 years!,they are going to keep it up for 2 weeks, it…Continue

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Comment by WILLIE W. WILLIAMS JR. on June 24, 2013 at 10:46am


O Lord we praise You. We worship You. We honor You. We adore You. We love You. We bless Your holy and righteous Name, for You are the only living God and we are convinced there is none like You. We thank You for blessing us to see one more day; A day filled with Your goodness, kindness, mercy, grace, direction and correction. We pray one for another, asking that You forgive us for our sin and wrongdoing and lead us this day in the way that You would have us to go. We pray also for Phoebe and her family as they mourn the transitioning of their family member. Give us the courage to trust You enough to acknowledge You in all our ways and trust You to direct our path. We pray each one purposes in their heart to be obedient to Your way and lean not to our own understanding. For there are many things about today that we may not understand, but help us trust You and believe You have the master plan. A plan not meant for evil or destruction, but it is a plan of hope designed to lead us to life more abundantly. It's a great day today and we shall go forth expecting Your master plan to continue to unfold in our lives, and we stand on tip toe anticipation for the many blessings You have for us, but most importantly for the victories planned by You for us today. We give You praise, in Jesus Name, Amen.

Because of Calvary

Bishop Willie Williams
The Prayer Ministry

Comment by WILLIE W. WILLIAMS JR. on June 21, 2013 at 9:13am

Your attitude, your mood, your disposition today, does it have anything to do with someone not doing what you expected them to do, or how they treated you, or what they said was offensive? Listen, any time how your day goes is based on how someone treats you or what they said to you, the question you must ask yourself is, “What does that have to do with me?” Taking on the responsibility for someone’s actions and allowing it to affect your day makes no sense. You cannot control how a person treats you, but you can control a person’s position in your life. If they don’t treat you the way you know you deserve to be treated, then you have a decision to make. Either continue to let them mistreat you or remove them from that position in your life. How long will you continue to allow what has nothing to do with you affect your day?
If the sign you have on your life is, “For Rent”, “For Sale” or “First Come First Take”; then that’s certainly how you will be treated. You have to train people how to treat you or they will simply train you on how to be treated. Mistakes are made when we allow how people treat us to affect our smile, our joy, our peace—they didn’t give it to us, so why are we allowing them to take it away?
Psalm 139:14 says, “I praise You because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; Your works are wonderful, I know that full well”. We praise God for making us the way He did by knowing our value and refusing to be put on a bargain shelf.
Excerpt from the book, “Me Inside Out”, “Each day of your life, through your actions, you are speaking who you are; and people will form an opinion of who you are, based on what you speak to them; and they will treat you according to how you speak to be treated. If your actions speak, “I love myself”, “I respect myself”, then you will attract love and respect. But, if your actions speak, “I am wounded, used and abused”, then you will attract those who will use and abuse you.”

Today is the day to know your value and not allow any bargain deals in your life.
Written by
Kimberlyn J. Jones

Because of Calvary,

Bishop Willie Williams
The Prayer Ministry

Comment by WILLIE W. WILLIAMS JR. on June 17, 2013 at 2:58pm

We praise the Name of Jesus! We thank You Lord for being our Rock, our Fortress, our Deliverer, our Protection, our Friend; You are our ALL IN ALL and we thank You for always loving us unconditional. Lord, we thank You for blessing us to see another Monday morning. We look forward to a wonderful week filled with your goodness, kindness, mercy and grace. We pray one for another, asking You to help us remember who we are because of Whose we are; Help us to remember we can carry everything to our faithful God in prayer, with the assurance there is nothing too hard for You to work out and bring us through. We pray traveling grace for those going to visit colleges and for those going on vacation, bless and keep them safe. We ask Your healing touch on Fred and Dave; And Your delivering power on Sandra, Lori and Shane. Lord draw them closer to You and grant them peace. It's a great day today and we're excited about the endless possibilities and benefits that await us. We ask You to lead, guide and direct our decision making and help us to know we can't go wrong if we do it Your way. We give You praise and we thank You in advance for the victory today, in Jesus Name, Amen.

Comment by WILLIE W. WILLIAMS JR. on June 14, 2013 at 1:27pm

Have you ever said:
I wish I could sing like her?
I wish I could write like him?
I wish I was a poet?
I wish I was funny?
I wish I had big lips?
I wish I was an athlete?
I wish I was famous?
I wish I was rich?
I wish I had swagger like him, he has all the women?
I wish my behind was a little bigger?
I wish I was popular?
I wish I had a man/woman like her/ him?
I wish, I wish, I wish! Knock it off!
How ‘bout you just be happy being you?
How ‘bout being thankful for what you have?

You will never be happy “wishing”. We wish because we’re looking elsewhere, when the truth is, if we take the time to know “who we are” we’ll find we’re interesting ourselves. Stop wishing on a star and be happy that you are the star. In fact, you are the apple of God’s eye just the way He made you.
Wishing has destroyed relationships. Wishing has brought on great debt. Wishing has caused people to give up on who they are in search for who they wish they could be. Then, after all the wishing you end up wishing you never did, which means you’re still wishing.
The antidote for wishing is, believe God knew what He was doing when He made you (just the way you are). Embrace who you are, appreciate what you have and instead of wishing, be thankful! You are the best YOU God made and no one can beat you being you.

Written by
Kimberlyn J. Jones

Bishop Willie Williams
The Prayer Ministry

Comment by WILLIE W. WILLIAMS JR. on June 13, 2013 at 1:25pm


Father we worship and we praise You because we know You are God, the All Sufficient One and we recognize You as the source of our supply. Whatever we need You always supply, when we're lonely - You provide company; when we're sad - You provide someone to make us laugh; when we're confused - You provide understanding; the fact of the matter is, there has never been a time in our lives that You have let us down. You didn't always come in the way we wanted or expected You to come, but You did come and we're grateful to You for always coming through for us. We thank You for the good times as well as the bad times; we thank You for prosperity and we thank You for failure; we thank You Father because no matter what our situation is, we're learning to be content, knowing that You're working all things together for our good. Father, help us to believe You’ve provided the answer to everything in life in Your Word. The more we study Your Word, the more we know about You; And the more we know about You, the more we will love and trust You. Lord, each day of our lives we want to know You more and we want to be more obedient to You, show us the way You have for us to go. We pray today that our being a part of someone's life will make them smile, all because You live inside of us, in Jesus Name, Amen.

Because of Calvary,
Bishop Willie Williams
The Prayer Ministry

Comment by WILLIE W. WILLIAMS JR. on June 12, 2013 at 3:17pm

Dear Jesus we love You. You're a friend of ours. You supply our every need. Our hungry soul You feed. We're aware You are our source from which all blessings flow. And with this all in mind, we know we can talk to You anytime. We know we can depend on You all the time. We know that You work all things together for our good. We pray You will give us the strength to hold on to Your unchanging hand when things don't seem to be good. We pray also for the family of James Toliver as they mourn his passing.Give us the courage to trust You and know there is absolutely nothing too hard for You to do. We pray one for another, asking that You will help us in all things to remember Who You are, what You can do and know You love us unconditionally at all times. Help us to today to believe You are ever present in our lives and because You're with us always, we can always know we're on the winning team and the victory always belongs to us. Give us a praying spirit and help us to praise You in our walk today. We pray that those around us will see You in us and desire to get to know the One Who is keeping us day by day. It's a great day today and we're excited about the victories we shall experience, in Jesus Name, Amen.
Because of Calvary,

Bishop Willie Williams
The Prayer Ministry

Comment by WILLIE W. WILLIAMS JR. on June 11, 2013 at 11:36am

Our Father in heaven, we thank You for one more day. We thank You because we recognize You are the reason we're still here. Lord You do all things for a reason, so the fact that we're still here means there is more we need to do for Your glory. There are more lives we need to touch, more songs we need to sing, more books we need to write, more pictures we need to paint, more smiles we need to share--there is more for us to do. We pray each one purposes in our hearts to not waste time fussing and fighting. There is no more time to waste being angry or holding grudges. Time is running out on using and abusing and having the attitude, "All for me and none for you." Now is the time to use our gifts to the fullest, no more excuses. Now is the time to let go of all the things we know are holding us back. Now is the time to change how we think and increase how we show love one to another. You've given us a new day, graced with new mercy, we pray each one lives this day in appreciation to You for Your faithfulness. This is another day that You have made and we purpose in our hearts right now to rejoice and be glad in it, no matter what, in Jesus Name, Amen.

Because of Calvary,

Bishop Willie Williams
The Prayer Ministry

Comment by WILLIE W. WILLIAMS JR. on June 10, 2013 at 12:37pm

Our Father in heaven, we thank You for another beautiful Monday morning. We thank You Lord because our testimony is, "Over and over and over, You keep on blessing us!" We praise You Lord because Your record clearly shows, You are all powerful, everywhere present, all knowing, loving, kind, merciful, our friend, protector and peace. There is none like You, so we worship You just for Who You are. We pray one for another, asking You to bless each one with the blessing we're standing in need of. Help us to know, You know best what we need, and although what we need is not always what we want, if we trust You, You will show us it's ALL good! We're praying for those who are struggling, those who are sick, and we pray especially for the Grigsby-Witiherspoon and Roberson-Crawford families, as they mourn the passing of their loved ones. We pray also for those who are confused, those who are depressed, those who don't know You are the answer--asking You to draw them closer to You that they may know You are the Great I Am and everything they need they can experience in You. Help each one to remember You did it all by Yourself in the beginning and You're the same God today, so You can handle whatever the situation is, if we would only trust You. We thank You Lord in advance for leading us through today and for guaranteeing the victory today if we follow You. This is the day that our faithful God has made and we shall rejoice and be glad in it, no matter what, in Jesus Name, Amen.

Because of Calvary,
Bishop Willie Williams
The Prayer Ministry

Comment by WILLIE W. WILLIAMS JR. on June 7, 2013 at 11:08am

Enough is enough when you keep saying, “I’m tired of this”
Enough is enough when you wake up in the morning thinking about the same drama you went to sleep thinking about.
Enough is enough when you disregard who you are in order to keep the peace.
Enough is enough when crying becomes natural and your smile is forced.
Enough is enough when you worry more than you pray.
Enough is enough when your dreams and visions are no longer important to you.
Enough is enough when your past overshadows your today.
Enough is enough when the only emotion you have is “sadness”.
Enough is enough when “all things are possible” is no longer your attitude.
Enough is enough when what “they” said about you is more important than what God says about you.
Enough! Snap out of it! Enough is enough!!
Do you know who you are?
You are “The King’s” child and He has made you some promises.
To name a few:
Jeremiah 29:11 -For I know the plans I have for you,” says the Lord. “They are plans for good and not for disaster, to give you a future and a hope.
Philippians 4:19 - And this same God who takes care of me will supply all your needs from his glorious riches, which have been given to us in Christ Jesus.
Romans 8:37 - No, despite all these things, overwhelming victory is ours through Christ, who loved us.
John 14:27 - “I am leaving you with a gift—peace of mind and heart. And the peace I give is a gift the world cannot give. So don’t be troubled or afraid.
Enough is enough, “LOOK, it’s in there, right in the Word of God!” No need to live a defeated life, stand on the promises of God and know when you stand, you cannot fall.
Today is the day, no more settling, no more compromising, no more depression, no more arguing, fussing or fighting! Enough is Enough! Know who you are and walk like your Father is King!

Written by
Kimberlyn J. Jones

Because of Calvary,
Bishop Willie Williams
The Prayer ministry

Comment by WILLIE W. WILLIAMS JR. on June 6, 2013 at 11:45am

Lord, for waking us up this morning, for every breath we have taken, for every step we have made and every word we have spoken thus far we say, "thank You". There are so many times we take things for granted, we don't recognize the true blessing just to be alive; we don't give thanks enough. We thank You for life, health and strength. We thank You for family and friends. We thank You for food, clothing and shelter. Lord, we have so much to be grateful for and today we ask that You will open our eyes that we may see how blessed we really are--we have no reason to complain. Help us today to pay close attention to our surroundings and realize we are blessed. We pray for little Jaquisse Moore as he prepares to go in for surgery this morning, we thank You in advance for complete healing and a speedy recovery. We give You praise for this beautiful day filled with victory, in Jesus Name, Amen.

Because of Calvary,

Bishop Willie Williams
The Prayer Ministry


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