Centennial High Alumni Network

Apaches For Life!!

Centennial High School Class Of 1975 40 Year Reunion “Let’s Do It Again”!!

The Centennial High School - Class Of 1975 - 40 Year Reunion! “Let’s Do It Again”!!

Photos Courtesy Of Wayne Ware & Phoebe Macon

Hello Everyone, these are just a few of the photos that were taken at the 40 Year Reunion. There are more photos to come from the Professional Photographer that will be posted shortly (so please bear with us) because every photo that was taken will be posted ASAP (as soon as we possibly can). Thanks!

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Comment by Phoebe Macon on May 3, 2015 at 10:40am

Hello Everyone,

We had a great and wonderful time on Saturday, April 25, 2015 at the "Loft- Club/Banquet Hall". What a blessing to be able to celebrate 40 Years since we graduated from Centennial High School. It was great seeing everyone again and seeing many that came out for their very first Reunion and many that came from out-of-town. And it was a real treat to see (3) three of our Junior High School "Willowbrook Pioneers" who came out to celebrate with us (Gwen Duhon, Cubby Munerlyn and Robert "Bobby" Seals). That was very special indeed. As always "Webmaster" Wayne Ware you did a fantastic job putting the 40 Year Reunion video on this page together. I look forward to more photos to come from the professional photographer, "THANK YOU" for always being on top of things. We love and appreciated so.... very much you always sharing your God given gifts with us. Talk to you later.

Love and Blessings, Phoebe

Comment by Roland Moore on May 1, 2015 at 7:50pm

Looks like a good time was had by all. Thanks!

Comment by Wayne Ware c/o '75 (WebMaster) on May 1, 2015 at 7:10pm

Hello Everyone, these are just a few of the photos that were taken at the 40 Year Reunion. There are more photos to come from the Professional Photographer that will be posted shortly (so please bear with us) because every photo that was taken will be posted ASAP (as soon as we possibly can). Thanks!

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