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Latest Apache Alumni Activity: Nov 29, 2017

Apache Alumni Discussion Forum

50 years.............

Started by Zaricor Jackson Jr. Jun 13, 2012. 0 Replies

I spoke to Centennial and they posted a congratulations message on the leader-board outside,  recognizing us having been out of high school for 50 years!,they are going to keep it up for 2 weeks, it…Continue

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Comment by WILLIE W. WILLIAMS JR. on November 20, 2012 at 11:44am

To God be the glory! Lord, we thank You for waking us to see another beautiful day. We thank You Lord for Your continued mercy, protection, provision and grace. Lord, our testimony is, if it had not been for the Lord on our side there is no way we would have made it this far. Thank You Lord for keeping us even when we didn't realize we needed to be kept. Lord, You have been there for us all the time, even when we don't acknowledge Your presence You still wait patiently in line for us to recognize it is in You we live, we move and have our being. We praise You Lord because we recognize there is no way we could live without You. You are the source of our strength and the strength of our lives and because of You our hands should be lifted in total praise to You everyday of our lives. Many of us are excited because Thanksgiving is coming. We're excited to spend time with family and friends, we're excited to have an extra special meal, we're excited for the shopping day to follow, we're excited for the days off work--But, we pray each one realizes everyday is a day of thanksgiving! We should not wait to get excited once a year about all of Your many wonderful blessings, for You have been good to us, You are good to us and because You're the same yesterday, today and forever, we praise You because You will continue to be good to us. We pray for those who find the holidays difficult, lift up their heads, fill their hearts with joy and grant them peace. We pray we not get so busy being excited until we forget to look around to see where we can be a blessing to someone who is alone, hurting or struggling. It's a beautiful day today and we shall rejoice and be glad in it, in Jesus Name, Amen.

Because of Calvary,

Bishop Willie Williams
The Prayer Ministry

Comment by WILLIE W. WILLIAMS JR. on November 19, 2012 at 9:32am

Our Father in heaven, we love You, we praise You, we lift up Your holy and righteous Name, for truly truly You are the only living God. We thank You Lord for opening our eyes to see another perfect Monday morning. Lord, we do a lot of complaining when it comes to Monday. We complain because we don't want to get up and go to work or school, but not today; For we recognize many didn't make it to see this Monday. We recognize there are many if given the chance, would trade places with us in a heartbeat--so no complaints today! Today is Grateful Monday!! It's another day that You made and we're so blessed to still be here to rejoice and be glad in it. We thank You Lord for giving us another chance to draw closer to You. You've given us another chance to live out our purpose. Another chance to be a blessing to someone else. We have missed opportunities to let our light shine, we have allowed procrastination to rule our days and we have lived days as if we made them ourselves; But not today, today we purpose in our hearts to be better. Thank You Lord for opening the door called Monday, the day You made for us to trust You enough to come out from behind distractions and excuses. Tuesday may never come, today is the day to do what we keep saying we're going to do. Help each one to see nothing happens until the first step is made. Give us the wisdom, strength and courage to step out on the right now faith faith we have and do our assignments for today. We give You praise and we thank You in advance for the victory today, in Jesus Name, Amen.

Because of Calvary,

Bishop Willie Williams
The Prayer Ministry

Comment by WILLIE W. WILLIAMS JR. on November 14, 2012 at 8:28am

Good morning O loving, kind, compassionate, faithful, merciful, Mighty God! We thank You for opening our eyes to see another beautiful day. We thank You for life, health and strength. We thank You for family, friends and enemies too. We thank You for providing all of our needs. We pray one for another asking that You will give us the courage to be still and remember that You are God. Help us remember that last time You brought us out; the last time You made a way; the last time You healed our bodies; the last time You opened a door; the last time You made our enemies leave us alone; the last time You proved to us You are God and there is absolutely nothing too hard for You to do--Help us remember it all and vow to yet trust You through it all. You've given us the greatest privilege to be able to approach Your throne of grace boldly expecting help in our time of need --if trouble comes today-help us remember to use our privilege. If we're faced with a decision--help us remember to use our privilege. All throughout this day, help us remember to use our privilege and come to our faithful God in prayer. We thank You Lord that it doesn't matter if we're walking, driving, working, sitting, standing, kneeling or bowing--You hear a sincere heart's prayer. We're praying for a healing touch for Jim Bullard's mother, draw her closer to You and grant her peace. Give her son and his family what You know they stand in need of and help them trust You. It's a beautiful day today and we purpose in our hearts right now to enjoy today, rejoice today and just be glad in it, in Jesus Name, Amen.

Because of Calvary,

Bishop Willie Williams
The Prayer Ministry

Comment by WILLIE W. WILLIAMS JR. on November 9, 2012 at 8:35am

What does it take to ruin your day? Traffic? Someone didn’t speak to you? Your coworkers are not doing their job and criticizing you for doing yours? You weren’t appreciated for doing something you believe appreciation was warranted? The sun is not shinning? It’s raining or snowing? Too hot, too cold? How about you’re not being treated the way you believe you should be treated? What really does it take to ruin your day?
What happens when YOU allow your day to be ruined? You walk around pouting? You take out your frustrations on undeserving people? Snapping at everyone, frowning and looking mean, reserved and withdrawn? You miss the good that’s happening now because you’re stuck in your moment of perceived ruin?
Well, here is truth, the clock will continue to tick second after second, minute after minute, hour after hour, the fact that YOU let something or someone ruin your day will not stop time. Snap out of it! YOU should determine how your day goes! Yes, circumstances and situations will come that you were not expecting or simply weren’t prepared for, but if you are always conscious of the greatness that resides IN YOU, you will not be so easily flustered by the things that happen outside of you. Those things you cannot change and have no control over.
You cannot control traffic, relax and go with the flow, you'll get there. If they don’t speak to you, that’s their prerogative, don’t take on their issue. If you’re being criticized, ask yourself, is it constructive or is it messy? If it’s constructive, appreciate the “heads up” and work to do better. If it’s messy, don’t bite the bone, move on, period. There are going to be times when we won’t be appreciated, bottom line, some people think you owe it to them or you’re supposed to do what you’re doing. Don’t take it personal, make up your mind, “I’m going to do it and not expect anything in return.” The weather? Come on, your complaining is not going to do anything except show your inappreciation for still being here to experience whatever the climate. People will treat you the way “they think” you deserve to be treated, if what they think and what you believe don’t line up, maybe you’re not worth it to them and it’s time for you to move on. Real talk – Know your worth and don’t settle for a bargain deal.
Every day is a day God made, so absolutely nothing takes Him by surprise. God calls each day "Good", don't let outside circumstances influence you to call it less. It’s a good day today, rejoice and be glad no matter what, and let nothing ruin this beautiful day. Keep smiling, keep appreciating your beauty and keep basking in the fact that you’re alive to enjoy today.
Written by
Kimberlyn J. Jones

Because of Calvary,

Bishop Willie Williams
The Prayer Ministry

Comment by WILLIE W. WILLIAMS JR. on November 8, 2012 at 7:49am

O Lord, our God, great is your mercy towards us. Your loving kindness towards
us. Your tender mercy we see day after day. God, You're forever faithful towards
us, always providing for us. Great is your mercy towards us, great is your
grace! Thank You Lord for blessing us to see another amazingly beautiful day. We
thank You Lord for another chance to say yes to Your will. Another opportunity
to trust the fact that Your way is always the best way. We thank You for another
day to enjoy Your blessings, trust Your promises and offer praises to the only
true and living God. We praise You Lord because there is nobody greater than
You! Lord, we're asking for a special healing touch for Donte Washington and
Jerry Norman. You know their condition and because You are God Almighty, neither
condition intimidates You. We ask that You move mightily and speak healing to their bodies. Bless their loved ones who are praying by thier sides, surround them with Your peace and help them look to You for everything they need. Lord, there are others dealing with health challenges and we know not their names, but Lord because You're all knowing You know each name, and because You're all powerful You can touch each one at the same time and the report becomes, "Healed!" Lord, we hear the report of man in our circumstances and situations, but we ask that You give us the courage to always believe the report of the Lord in all things! Lord, we're praying that You be the God of comfort to Louis Moore and his family. Their pain is great and their questions are many, we can't begin to tell You how to move, but we trust that You will move and speak, "Peace". This is the day that the Lord has made and we're confident in the fact that You made it, so You can handle it. We will trust You in all things, in Jesus Name, Amen.

Because of Calvary,

Bishop Willie Williams
The Prayer Ministry

Comment by WILLIE W. WILLIAMS JR. on November 7, 2012 at 9:28am

Oh Lord we praise You! We thank You Lord for another beautiful day that You have made. We thank You Lord for our life, health and strength. We thank You Lord for continuing to prove to us that You are God all by Yourself. It doesn't matter what man says or does, You still reign forever! We ask Your continued protection over President Obama, his family and those who stand faithfully by his side to protect him. Father give him the wisdom he needs to lead this country, while keeping in mind You are the true Commander and Chief and if he follows Your lead a change will come. We pray that we come together as a nation under God and work together to make this world a better place to live. The election is over, give us the strength to resist the temptation to boast and brag, argue, fuss or fight, but instead let brotherly love continue. The world needs to see we are Your people and now is the time to let our light shine. Help us to see if we put our trust in You, acknowledge You in all our ways, You will direct our path. Bless us to trust the fact that the plans You have for us are for good and not for evil, to give us a future and a hope. We praise You Lord because in You, eyes have not seen, ears have not heard, nor has it entered into the heart of man the things You have prepared for those of us who love You --the best is yet to come! We love You Lord! We give you praise and we thank You in advance for Your continued grace and mercy throughout this day, in Jesus Name, Amen.

Because of Calvary,

Bishop Willie Williams
The Prayer Ministry

Comment by WILLIE W. WILLIAMS JR. on November 6, 2012 at 7:53am

Good morning Lord!! We're excited to still be here! We shout out --How great is our God! How faithful is our God! How loving is our God! How just is our God! How patient is our God! What a mighty God we serve! We love You Lord and our desire is to please You. Help us to know the way we serve You is to share You everywhere we go. Our love to You should be seen in our walk, it should be heard in our talk and it should be exemplified in the way we treat our fellowman. Today is the day of the much talked about, debated, and argued over election of the President of the US. We pray each one will do their part-- pray, vote, then go back to sharing Your love. Help us not to get caught up in the arguments or unkind words being said, but instead purpose in our hearts to rejoice and be glad in this beautiful day that You have made. We pray each one knows the bottom line-- You made this day and nothing about this day is going to take You by surprise; You already know who the president will be and it doesn't matter who it is, as long as we know You have already declared, "I Am the Almighty God" and we praise You because there is nobody greater than You, so we will trust YOU Lord. Lord we're still praying for Jeanetta Croom Johnson, asking for your mighty healing touch. We're praying that You continue to strengthen her family who is faithfully by her side. Praying that they continue to look to You, for You are the Source of everything they need. Praise the Name of Jesus! You're our Rock! You're our Fortress! You're our Deliverer, in You do we trust!! Praise the Name of Jesus!! Thank You Lord for this great day, in Jesus Name, Amen.

Because of Calvary,

Bishop Willie Williams
The Prayer Ministry

Comment by WILLIE W. WILLIAMS JR. on November 5, 2012 at 7:39am

Thank You Lord. Thank You Lord. Thank You Lord, we just want to thank You Lord. You've been so good, You are our friend, You continue to make a way--we just want to thank You Lord. Lord we love You because You first loved us. We love You because You hear our voice and our supplications. We love You because You incline Your ear to us, therefore we will call upon You as long as we live. We thank You for the privilege to be able to approach Your throne of grace boldly and expect help in our time of need. We thank You for giving us everything we need to survive. You've given us everything we need to live life more abundantly. You've given us everything we need to be more than conquerors in all things. Help us to understand our faith activates all that You have made available to us. It's good to place our lives in Your hands and trust You to lead, guide and direct our path, but help us to know following where You lead takes work on our part, it takes faith and it takes obedience. Lord, we have made bad choices and wrong turns, but still You provide a way of escape, give us the courage to trust Your way and not look back. Help us to know Your way is for us to use the gifts and talents You have blessed us with for Your glory. This world is in need of the gift You planted within us, give us the courage to go forth and serve. We begin this day sharing the gift You've given to us all, our smile. Thank You Lord in advance for a victorious day today, in Jesus Name, Amen.

Because of Calvary,

Bishop Willie Williams
The Prayer Ministry

Comment by WILLIE W. WILLIAMS JR. on November 1, 2012 at 7:48am

Our Father in heaven, we thank You for another day. We thank You for eyes to see, ears to hear, a voice to talk, legs to walk and hands to reach out to our fellowman. Lord, we thank You for eyeglasses, hearing aids, walking canes, sign language, wheel chairs--all of our needs Your hand has provided, great is Your faithfulness! We thank You Lord for shelter, food, clothing, transportation and a means to support ourselves --all of our needs Your hand has provided, great is Your faithfulness! Lord, in the words of the song, You keep doing great things for us. You know us better than anyone else and You take better care of us than we can for ourselves, thank You Lord for continuing to do great things for us. We pray one for another, asking that You will bless each one with the strength and courage we need to just be ourselves. We are beautifully and wonderfully made, we have gifts and talents (light) that You have strategically placed within each one of us --it's time to let our lights shine! No more busy-work, no more running here and there just to go somewhere, no more giving all we can to please this one and that one--it's time to settle down and take the time to just BE who You designed us to be, it's time to use what You placed within us to share with the world--it's time to let our lights shine! It's time for us to allow You to use us as a channel to be a blessing to others. This light that You have placed within us, we're going to let it shine today because today is the first day of the best days of our lives, we give You praise in Jesus Name, Amen.

Because of Calvary,

Bishop Willie W. Williams
The Prayer Ministry

Comment by WILLIE W. WILLIAMS JR. on October 31, 2012 at 10:55am

O Lord, our God, how excellent is thy Name in all the earth! We praise the Name of Jesus, declaring from the rising of the sun until the going down of the same, Your Name is to be praised!! We worship You O Mighty God because there is none like You. We have tried a lot of things and put our trust in a lot of people, but our experience has taught us, there is NONE like You. We thank You Lord for waking us to a brand new day, the last day of October. Many will celebrate Halloween today, we pray that You build a hedge of protection around our children and keep them safe. There are many who celebrate this day for religious reasons, many who observe just for trick or treat and others who don't celebrate for religious reasons; We pray that we not get distracted or caught up in big discussions about today, tomorrow is coming and Your Name will still be worthy to be praised! No matter how many ghost, goblins, pumpkins, webs, etc. we see today, still You are the only true and living God! Help us to remain focused! We're praying for all of the lives affected by "Sandy". Lord, we don't have the answers as to why things happen the way they do, but rather than debate the situation, we pray brotherly love abounds. We pray each one shows love and compassion by doing something to help, because after the debates are over and the opinions have gone forth, there are still lives that are in need of our assistance. Today is the day to reach out and touch someone and be a blessing. Today is the day to make this world a better place to live in and it will begin with ME. Today is a great day and we purpose in our hearts right now to rejoice and be glad in it, no matter what, we give You praise, in Jesus Name, Amen.

Because of Calvary,

Bishop Willie W. Williams
The Prayer MInistry


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