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50 years.............

Started by Zaricor Jackson Jr. Jun 13, 2012. 0 Replies

I spoke to Centennial and they posted a congratulations message on the leader-board outside,  recognizing us having been out of high school for 50 years!,they are going to keep it up for 2 weeks, it…Continue

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Comment by WILLIE W. WILLIAMS JR. on July 9, 2014 at 10:45am

Our Father in heaven, we thank You for waking us to see another perfect day. It's perfect because You made it. It's perfect because You do all things well. It's perfect because all the days of our life we have never seen one day repeated. Everyday has been new and we give You praise for the newness of today. We offer praise to You because we are fearfully and wonderfully made, Your works are wonderful. We offer praise to You because there is nobody greater than You and because You live in us we are great, so we look forward to this day with great expectations. We lift Faye Richardson to You as she prepares for surgery. Lord, we ask that You will make Your presence known in the operating room, move mightily with Your healing touch and grant her peace. Lord, I ask also that you Bless my Aunt, Geneva Walker as we celebrate the Homegoing of Help her to remember that earth has no sorrow that heaven cannot heal. We pray one for another, asking that You bless each one to remember today is already perfect and all we need to do is let our lights shine, give love one to another, stay away from all negativity, speak words that bring life and offer praise to our awesome God with the life we live. We praise the Name of Jesus and we thank You in advance for a victorious, prosperous, peaceful day, in Jesus Name, Amen.

Because of Calvary,

Bishop Willie Williams
The Prayer Ministry
"In GOD We Trust"

Comment by WILLIE W. WILLIAMS JR. on July 8, 2014 at 10:25am

Our Father in heaven, we thank You for life, health and strength. We thank You for Your unconditional love to us always. We thank You for another chance to say yes to Your will. We thank You for the endless benefits and possibilities this day holds. We pray each one will know we can do all things through Christ Who gives us strength and with God all things are possible. Knowing all we know about You, we pray each one will feel better about themselves, knowing we are children of the Most High God and our status is, favored. Where there is sickness, let us speak healing. Where there is doubt, let us speak with confidence. Where there is financial difficulty, let us speak prosperity. Where there is confusion, let us speak peace. Whatever the situation today, let us speak Your Word and believe Your promises are true. It’s a great day today and we have great reason to rejoice and be glad in it, in Jesus Name, Amen.

Because of Calvary,

Bishop Willie Williams
The Prayer Ministry
"In GOD We Trust"

Comment by WILLIE W. WILLIAMS JR. on July 7, 2014 at 9:48am

Our Father in heaven, we thank You for the gift of life. We thank You Lord because we know it is in You that we live, we move and have our being. We thank You Lord because we know without You there is no way we could live. Without You there is no way we could love or be loved. Without You there is no way we could walk, talk, hear, see, taste, smell, rhyme or reason--You are the source of our strength and the strength of our lives, so we lift our hands in total praise to You. Lord we thank You because You keep doing great things for us; You keep extending new mercy morning by morning; You keep giving us chance after chance to decide it's time we place our lives in Your hands and let Your will be done in our lives. Lord, because You keep doing great things for us we offer a right now praise to You, we shout out, hallelujah!!! We're praying for Drew Colvin who is waiting on the miracle of a heart transplant. Lord, You are the God Who can do anything, including make his heart new; So we trust You to do this great healing in his life. Draw him closer to You that He may know He's in the hand of the Great I Am. Today there will be no whining, complaining, arguing, fussing, gossiping, or putting anyone down; Instead we will speak words that bring life, words that encourage, words that uplift, for we recognize our words are powerful! We praise You Lord for this beautiful day that You have made and we purpose in our hearts right now to rejoice and be glad in it, no matter what, in Jesus Name, Amen.

Because of Calvary,

Bishop Willie Williams
The Prayer Ministry
"In GOD We Trust"

Comment by WILLIE W. WILLIAMS JR. on July 2, 2014 at 11:49am


Hallelujah! Salvation and glory! Honor and power unto the Lord, our God. For You O Lord are mighty, omnipotent, loving, kind, You are wonderful! All praises to You, King of kings and Lord or lords, You are wonderful! We thank You for waking us this morning with a mind to praise You. We thank You for life, health and strength. We thank You for making us to be who we are and calling us, GOOD! We’re good because it is in You we live, move and have our being. Today is the day You made and because You made it, we know nothing about this day is greater than You. We’re going forth today with an attitude of praise and thanksgiving, believing we have the victory in all things. We recognize there are a lot of things about this day that will have the potential of shaking us, making us angry or sad; There are a lot of things that will have the potential to tempt us to go back or entice us to get even; There are many things about today we may not understand, but the one thing we have confidence in is, You’re with us through it all. Since You’re with us, we’re going forth today doing all we should do, saying all we should say and being all You designed us to be. We praise You Lord because we know we have Your favor, in Jesus Name, Amen.

Because of Calvary,

Bishop Willie Williams

The Prayer Ministry

"In GOD We Trust"

Comment by WILLIE W. WILLIAMS JR. on July 1, 2014 at 8:44am

Lord, You are good and Your mercy endures forever! We worship You for Who You are. Thank You for this day filled with endless benefits and possibilities. We thank You for the good plan that You have for our life. Help us to go with Your plan today. Give us the will to not be enticed by those things that are behind us. Help us to know the only way we’re going to get to Your good plan, is to continue moving forward. Lord, we’re praying for Candace Brown and Larhonda Davidson who are both suffering with cancer. We’re thankful that You are not shaken by the news of cancer because it is included in there is nothing too hard for You to do. We ask that You draw them closer to You and remind them of the fact that You can speak and the cancer must go. Give them the strength to not lose hope but instead lift their hands in total praise to You and believe they are healed. Bless the families of Dr. Lawrence Freemen and Dr. Charles Finley as they celebrate the home going of their loved ones, remind them that earth has no sorrow that heaven can't heal. Bless each one who reads this prayer with a praying praising spirit. Help us to live this day knowing we are children of the Most High God, and because You live in us we can speak words that bring life. We can speak our faith and expect change. Whatever our situation we shall speak victory, in the Name of Jesus, Amen.

Because of Calvary,

Bishop Willie Williams
The Prayer Ministry
"In GOD We Trust"

Comment by WILLIE W. WILLIAMS JR. on June 30, 2014 at 9:38am

O Mighty God! It’s good to give thanks to You! For You are the source of our strength and the strength of our life. You are Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the End. Because of Who You are we know it’s good to trust You. We can trust You when things are going well and we can trust You are the same God when things are not the way we planned. We trust You Lord because You continue to prove to us there is nothing too hard for You to do. You continue to prove to us You love us unconditional. You continue to prove to us You are faithful. You continue to prove to us there is none like You. We resolve today we will trust You through it all. We’re praying for a mighty healing touch for Apostle Berry and Bishop Berry, also Bobby Spencer and that You will give his wife Rosa Jackson-Spencer strength to hold on. We pray one for another, asking for You to move in the way we need You most today. We’re thankful because You already know what we stand in need of and You’ve already made us the promise that You will supply our need. In advance we say, thank You for proving Yourself to us again. We say thank You and Amen for the evidence of Your hand moving in our life today. We declare by faith, today is the first day of the best days of our life. Today is the day things will turn around and work in our favor, in Jesus Name, Amen.

Because of Calvary,

Bishop Willie Williams
The Prayer Ministry
"In GOD We Trust"

Comment by WILLIE W. WILLIAMS JR. on June 13, 2014 at 7:30am



Breathe in, now let it out. How did that feel?
Have you ever even thought about what a blessing it is to breathe in and out?
Just now, you did it on command, but last night while you slept, who told you to keep breathing? Well, one thing we know for certain, it wasn’t you, nor was it me. I choose to believe it was God Who told me to keep right on breathing. Who is God? Can I see Him? No! But, neither can I see the air that I’m breathing in and out.

I can’t speak for you, nor can I make you believe what I believe, but I thank God He gave me breath in my body one more day. Hallelujah! If you choose to believe God did it for you as well, what are we going to do with our blessing today?

Shall we waste it fussing and complaining? Is it really that important to keep holding on to the same anger/bitterness? Will we give in to that thing we said we will never do again? How many more days are we going to waste thinking about what happened many yesterdays ago? That boy, that girl, the woman, that man ---those are our brothers and sisters, shall we use our blessing laughing at them or putting them down? Is it really that important to bring out their negative, as we see it?

What will we do with our blessing today? How about we choose to look to be a blessing? It doesn’t take much, smile; Say good morning; Hold the door for someone; Let the other car go first; Hug a child, it’s OK, hug an adult too. We’re blessed to be alive, what will we do with our blessing today?

How about we choose to use our blessing to be a blessing to someone else today? Breathe in, now let it out. That felt great! Now, let’s go make this world a better place to live in today.

Written by
Kimberlyn J. Jones

Bishop Willie William
The Prayer Ministry
"In GOD We Trust"

Comment by WILLIE W. WILLIAMS JR. on June 12, 2014 at 8:29am

Our Father in heaven, You are the source of our strength and the strength of our life. You are the Great I Am, everything we need You to be. You are our healer. You are our provider. You are our peace. You’re available to fill our voids and lead us to a life of more abundantly. Lord we praise You for being our all in all, all the time. Often times our problem is, we don’t trust You to be Who You are, in our lives. We look to man, we look to riches, we look to fame, we look to acceptance, but we have trouble looking to You. We pray that You will draw each one closer to You and help us to believe You will always do just what You said. Help us to believe You so loved this world that You gave Your only begotten Son, You gave us Your best. Help us to believe You are the same yesterday, today and forever, You gave us Your best, and You will continue to give us Your best, if we will only trust You. Today Lord, we will trust You, in Jesus Name, Amen.

Because of Calvary,

Bishop Willie Williams
The Prayer Ministry
"In GOD We Trust"

Comment by WILLIE W. WILLIAMS JR. on June 11, 2014 at 8:14am

O mighty God, we love You, praise You, worship and adore You. Just knowing You are the only true and living God and You love us unconditionally always, just makes our day! Just knowing there is nothing about this day You cannot handle gives us confidence today. Just knowing You’ve made us some promises gives us something solid to stand on today. Father, we will look to You if trouble comes. We will look to You if distractions try to creep in. We will look to You if sadness tries to overcome our joy. We will look to You if we’re tempted to just handle things on our own and deal with the consequences later. Today we will look to You, counting on You to keep us strong in the midst of it all. The seeds we sow today will be seeds that bring life. The words we speak will be positive, uplifting and encouraging. We will be better today than we were on yesterday. Victory belongs to us today, in Jesus Name, Amen.

Because of Calvary,

Bishop Willie Williams
The Prayer Ministry
"In GOD We Trust"

Comment by WILLIE W. WILLIAMS JR. on June 10, 2014 at 12:37pm

Our Father in heaven, it is another day that You have blessed us to see. We thank You for Your goodness, kindness, mercy and grace. We thank You for continuing to look beyond our faults, mess, and mishaps and You continue to bring out the best in us. We pray for strength and courage not to doubt You today. We pray each one believes Your Word is true and have the necessary faith to stand on Your promises. We pray each one purposes in our heart to keep in communication with You, hear Your voice and follow where You lead. We’re praying for Robert who is headed for surgery and Brian who is headed for court. Lord, we know You are the Specializer in the operating room as well as the court room, so we’re praying You be Who You are and do what You do well, move mightily on their behalf. We declare by faith, today is a day of great expectations and we expect great things to happen to us and for us, in Jesus Name, Amen.

Because of Calvary,

Bishop Willie Williams
The Prayer Ministry
"In GOD We Trust"


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